3 Bullet Journal Spreads for Professionals and Students
Here I have included some bullet journal spreads that I use daily as a college student. They save me so much time and are so useful, and I plan to modify these for professional use as soon as I graduate and move into the work force. Find inspiration, examples, and tips below!
Spread 1: Schedule
If you aren't taking classes to keep track of, feel free to modify this to work for your scheduled meetings, kids' schedules, mealtime reminders, etc. I equipped this spread with the bare minimum: every class for every day of the week. I always have trouble remembering when my classes start and end, so I made this spread.
Adding a color-coded table at the bottom of the page for the locations of your classes is also a great idea!
Spread 2: Notes
Bullet journaling at its most functional. Tip: Choose one color for each class, and write the titles and/or headers and vocabulary in that color. This helps me keep my notes separate, especially when I haven't updated my index and I've taken notes for alternating classes.
Spread 3: Clean Routine & Self Care
If you're extremely busy and forgetful like I am, this spread will keep you at the top of your game. Create sections to list tasks that you usually complete daily, weekly, and monthly respectively. You can even leave room to write the dates you complete each task so that you know when to do the task again when you flip back to this page.
I like to give myself daily and weekly reminders for self care, too, so that I don't forget to take care of my emotional and mental health with a busy schedule.